
Cottongrass, sphagnum and sundews growing on peatland.

Cottongrass, sphagnum and sundews on the North York Moors © Dom Hinchley


A series of podcasts on all things peat...

Our podcasts feature a medley of moorland birdcalls downloaded under a commons licence from xeno-canto, as follows: curlew curlew curlew golden plover lapwing lapwing meadow pipit raven red grouse redshank ring ouzel skylark skylark

Carpet of sphagnum moss with cottongrass and heather.

Sphagnum carpet with cottongrass and heather © Lizzie Shepherd

Blanket bog for beginners

See our blanket bog page for more about this amazing habitat across the UK.

Coir log sediment traps on Fleet Moss.

Coir logs slowing the flow © Lizzie Shepherd

Peatland restoration

A peatland restoration survey.

Monitoring greenhouse gas emissions on blanket bog.

You can find out more about our restoration techniques on the restoration section of our resources page.

Last summer's bog asphodel turning pale with autumn.

Last summer's bog asphodel © Lyndon Marquis

Seasons on peat

Each season, we're recording the natural sounds on the same stretch of blanket bog. There's an accompanying blog post under the seasonal tag on our bog blog page.

A spring walk on blanket bog.

A summer walk on blanket bog.

An autumn walk on blanket bog.

A winter walk on blanket bog.